La Campanella

La Campanella

Streaming has been used by classical composers as a way of creating simultaneous multiple melodies with an instrument that can produce only one note at a time. The standard examples come from Bach's compositions for violin solo.

Here's a less standard example, coming from a rather well-known piece for piano. As a rule, pianists don't need tricks to produce multiple melodic lines. The la Campanella etude is an exception - Liszt wanted to mimic Paganini's violin on the piano, producing on the way one of the most difficult pieces in the piano repertoire. It is one the Grandes études de Paganini composed by Franz Liszt and published in 1851. An earlier version figures in the Études d'exécution transcendente d'après Paganini from 1838.

La Campanella sheet music


There are a fair number of performances of these etudes on YouTube. Enjoy the viruosity!