Music to Deaf Ears - podcast

Music to Deaf Ears - podcast

This podcast by science journalist Dr Carinne Piekema explores how hearing loss affects people, in particular how it affects musicians, and what modern prosthetic devices such as hearing aids or cochlear implants can and cannot do for these patients. It contains insightful interviews with inspirational deaf musicians, some of the UKs leading hearing researchers, as well as simulations designed to show to normal listeners what it would be like to have to rely on a hearing aid or a cochlear implant.

You can listen to the podcast here,

or you can download it by right-clicking on the "Attachment" link below and choosing "Save link as...".

If you enjoyed the podcast, you may also wish to check out Carinne Piekema's blog, or follow her on twitter (CarinneP).

Sheldonian Theater Ceiling